Reflecting on Photography
I have really enjoyed my photography experience this quarter so far, I have been taking pictures with a DSLR for about 5 years now and even now this forced me to try new methods and techniques for taking pictures. It also taught me a lot of thing on speeding up my work flow, I was always used to using Lightroom but I never really used its organizational system as well as I probably should have, and when we went over the Lightroom section; it ended up showing me new methods for organizing my images.
I think that when it comes to my exploration of the concepts of photography this quarter the ones that I focused the most on were form, color and tone, I find color to be especially important to me in my edits. I ended up spending most of my editing time trying to perfect the color tones of my image to get them just how I wanted them. But also since my focus project was about “Foundation” it made me think a lot about the form of the things that I was capturing.
When it came to light, I think that this was the thing that I struggled with the most, I tend to be a person that works with natural mostly. I like the colors that come out from the sun, and how depending on the weather and the time of day the sun can make the same objects and colors look very different. Since this whole quarter was meant to be done in quarantine a big portion of my image making was done at home, I took nearly every opportunity that I could to safely take some pictures outdoors, in empty campuses etc. but I still had to rely on indoor lighting for a few of my images. In the reading it talked about different methods of lighting and what is more important when it comes to setting a scene. It talked about how a lot of the time the way the shadows looked in the scene were almost more important that how the lights looked.