Redefining the Image

Brandon Mendoza
2 min readOct 4, 2020


Not an image

For this project I had to think very har about how we defined what a photograph is. One day I was shopping for groceries when I saw a toy that instantly made the idea of a “camera-less” photograph click in my head. This pin toy can be considered a photograph because it can preserve the “image” of what was once there, in this case my hand; for a very long time. It serves as a snapshot of the moment that once was the present but no longer is. This is what I took away from the reading as well, the idea of how varied a photograph can really be. It it honestly just a way that we human express that we were here at one point, even back in the ancient times early humans had this desire to record the fact that we were here, with cave paintings. This idea that we can make something that will hopefully outlive us.

“Not an Image”

Szarkowki’s Categories

The Thing Itself

Oscar Helgstrand from Unsplash

The Detail

Oscar Helgstrand from Unsplash

The Frame

Jung Ho Park from Unsplash


Photo by Vitalijs Barilo on Unsplash

Vantage Point

Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash



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