
There are many different elements that all come together to shape an image’s composition. It is up to the photographer to implement these elements into their work and have a greater understanding of why and how they are taking their pictures.

Brandon Mendoza
4 min readOct 17, 2020

Rule of thirds

The idea behind the principle of the rule of thirds it to break down the fame of your image into a 3 by 3 grid and you are meant to have the subject of the image in the intersection of one of those corners.

Golden Triangle

This composition rule is similar to the rule of thirds but instead of a 3 by 3 grid the guides are diagonal triangles, one of them that slices the image from bottom left to top right and then two lines that are perpendicular to that center line and that meet both the top left corner and the bottom right corner of the image.

Balancing Elements(Visual Weight)

Balance is very important when it comes to photography, you want to have an image that feels balanced, it does not have to be symmetrical, as that can lead to boring images, but it has to feel natural in way, it has to be structured.

Leading lines

In this rule the image seems to have lines that guide the eyes of the viewer in a particular direction, it can be the center, or anywhere in the image, but the elements of the photograph create artificial or imaginary lines that guide it towards somewhere .,designated%20portion%20of%20the%20photograph.

Symmetry and Patterns

This has a lot to do with balance as well, but when it comes to patterns you can try to find these relationships between things inside your image, such as similar textures in the scene, or similar colors. Your are trying to piece things together to make the image tie itself together.,focal%20point%20to%20the%20scene.

Vantage Point

When it comes to photography perspective is everything and a lot of the times you have to change your perspective when taking a photograph and that alone will completely change the feel and look of the image.,in%20which%20photos%20are%20taken.&text=Vantage%20points%20are%20a%20great,position%20during%20a%20photo%20shoot.

Figure Ground

This has to do with the relationship between the subject or the “figure” and the background, or “ground” of the image. You have to make it clear to the viewer what they are supposed to be focusing on, it is supposed to be obvious, at least according to this rule.


Depth in an image can change the feel of the image completely it allows for a better figure ground relationship. It makes portrait photography look way better. Depending on the type of photography you are doing you are going to choose the adequate amount of depth for that shot.


This rule has to do with what the viewer actually sees. When you are creating an image you have know exactly what you want the final product to be, what will be seen in the image and what will be excluded, and you only want to include what “has” to be there.


This goes along with framing in an image, it makes you think what really is meant to be in the image and what does not necessarily have to be included. I post you can edit the cropping of an image and that can change the feeling of the image completely.



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