Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO
Understanding Camera Settings
This has to do with the size of the lens’ opening. It can expand and constrict to allow more light to come into the sensor, sort of like a pupil for the camera. https://photographylife.com/what-is-aperture-in-photography#what-is-aperture
Shutter Speed
The speed in which the cameras shutter snaps a photo contributes to the type of picture that you are taking, if you are taking a picture of something very fast you would, lower the shutter speed. If you want to make objects in motion look blurry, you would decrease the shutter speed which in turn opens the shutter for longer. This is also good for low light images although it can increase the blur and make the images less crisp. https://digital-photography-school.com/shutter-speed/
This dictates the camera’s sensitivity to light, the higher the ISO the more sensitive the camera becomes to light and the more light is allowed in. This however comes with the downside that the higher you take the ISO the more grain will be added to the image as well. https://digital-photography-school.com/iso-settings/
Depth of Field
Is the size of the cameras focus area, this is changed by changing the aperture or F-stop. A smaller aperture number gives you a shallower field of focus and therefore more background and foreground blur. A larger aperture number gives you a deeper depth of focus so most of the image comes out in high detail. https://photographylife.com/what-is-depth-of-field
Dynamic Range
This would be the variation in the colors of an image, how dark the darkest colors are and how bright the lightest colors are. The wider the dynamic range the more you can play with the image in post. https://www.howtogeek.com/321311/what-is-dynamic-range-in-photography/#:~:text=In%20photography%2C%20the%20%E2%80%9Cdynamic%20range,a%20camera%20is%20capable%20of.